As one of the commonly used internal fixation devices for fracture, it is often used in combination with bone screw. It can be divided into ordinary internal fixation plate and pressurized internal fixation plate according to whether it is pressurized or not. The pressurized internal fixation plate can be divided into two types: the pressurizer type and the automatic pressurizer type. According to the shape of internal fixation plate, it can be divided into bar, L-shaped, hook shaped, gooseneck shaped, porous and trigonal shapes; It can be divided into femoral internal fixation plate, femoral trochanter internal fixation plate, lower humerus internal fixation plate, lower radius internal fixation plate, etc. The materials for making internal fixation plate mainly include medical stainless steel and titanium alloy, and nickel titanium shape memory alloy. Due to the rigidity of the metal internal fixation plate, the stress shielding effect may occur when it is used for internal fixation of fractures, affecting the repair of broken bones. Therefore, carbon fiber and other biologically enhanced degradation absorbable macromolecule materials, such as composite materials internal fixation plate of polylactic acid, polyglycolic acid or its copolymer, have been developed. Since degradation macromolecule materials are gradually absorbed in the body, their rigidity will gradually decrease and eventually disappear with the repair of broken bones, It is a kind of dynamic internal fixation plate that is developing continuously.
Biomedical materials -> Orthopaedic materials