A type of shallow intrusive rock. The main minerals are pyroxene and basic feldspar, containing a small amount of olivine, biotite, quartze, apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, etc. gravel inclined 1<1 stone often becomes turbid and transforms into sodium K stone, zoisite, green epidote, and high mountain core; pyroxene is often altered into chlorite, amphibole and carbonate minerals. The color of W green mud causes the stone to appear grayish green. The f of the base plagioclase! The degree of culm is higher than that of pyroxene, forming a diabase structure. Massive structure. Usually VV is used to calibrate shallow intrusive bodies, such as veins, dikes or volcanic structures, which are the main raw materials for preparing caststone, rock wool, mineral fiber and scale materials. Those with uniform texture and beautiful color can be used as building decoration materials? material
Natural materials and products -> Mineral materials