composition solid propellant with plastisol formed by polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and plasticizer as adhesive. The oxidizer in the common formula is ammonium perchlorate, the incendiary composition is aluminium powder, and a small amount of stabilizer and process additive are included. First, fine PVC and plasticizer are mixed to form a paste like plastisol, and then solid components such as ammonium perchlorate are added to uniformly mix into a slurry. casting is heated in the mold and curing or extrusion moulding. Formerly used as a launch energy source for rockets and large missiles. Due to high assimilation temperature, high thermal stress after curing, poor adhesion with the shell and poor mechanical properties, it has been gradually replaced by other propellants. Due to its low price, stable thrust, and good heat resistance, it is still used as a power source for small controllers of civilian rockets, missiles, and aerospace vehicles.
Energy Materials -> Energetic materials -> Solid propellants