It is also called thermal impact resistance and thermal stability. The ability of materials to withstand severe temperature changes or alternate cold and hot within a certain initial temperature range without damage. It is related to the coefficient of thermcal expansion, elastic modulus, thermal conductivity, tensile strength of materials, the content of gas phase and glass phase in materials and the particle size of crystal phase. There are two inspection methods: water bath method and air bath method. For structural ceramics, the thermal shock resistance can be divided into the following four performance indicators: ① the first thermal shock resistance fracture resistance factor, which is measured by the maximum temperature difference value of the standard bending test bar when its bending strength does not decrease significantly after sudden cooling at a certain temperature difference; ② The second resistance factor to thermal shock fracture, which is a formula determined by considering the thermal conductivity of materials on the basis of the first resistance factor; ③ The third resistance factor determined by the rate of sudden cooling; ④ The fourth and fifth factors are determined according to the resistance of materials to surface damage. These indexes can be used to comprehensively measure the thermal shock resistance of ceramics materials.
Fundamental of Material Science -> Performance basis of materials