A carbonate mineral with a simple island like structure. Iron, zinc and calcium often replace manganese, forming iron rhodochrosite, zinc rhodochrosite, calcium rhodochrosite and other varieties. Triangular system, calcspar (calcite) structure. The intact crystal is rhombohedral; Sometimes they form twin crystals according to {0112}; Aggregates are granular, columnar, massive, nodular, and soil like. Light rose red, easily weathered transformation to light gray white, light yellow or brown yellow, etc. glass lustre. The cleavage {1011} is complete. Mohs hardness 3.4-4.5, brittle, density 3.5-3.7g/cm3. The reaction with cold hydrochloric acid is slow, but intensifies after heating. It mainly occurs in marine sedimentary iron manganese deposits and coexists with manganite, hematite, chlorite, quartze, etc. It is the main raw mineral material for extracting manganese.
Natural materials and products -> Mineral materials