Changes in the structure or function of implanted materials caused by the internal environment of the organism. materials response is mainly reflected in three aspects, namely degradation, corrosion and wear of implanted materials. The degradation of implanted materials in vivo is generally divided into physical degradation and chemical degradation. The physical degradation process mainly includes absorption, swelling, bating, crystallization, recrystallization, stress fracture, fatigue fracture and impact failure; chemical degradation mainly includes hydrolysis, decomposition, oxidation and other processes. Some of these processes are beneficial to the body. For example, some materials of tissue engineering scaffolds are gradually degradation under the irritation of relevant biochemical factors after being implanted in the body, providing space for tissue regeneration and immersion. D Some processes are harmful to the body, such as the mismatch of implant and surrounding tissue compliance caused by degradation of implanted materials, and the toxic effect of degradation products on the body. corrosion refers more to the electrochemical corrosion of the electrolyte environment of the bath solution to implantation Jinli materials and the bioerosion of cells and biomolecules to implantation materials. According to the different mechanisms of corrosion, it is generally divided into erosion corrosion, contact corrosion, crack corrosion, intergranular corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, electrochemical corrosion, etc. corrosion is more likely to cause damage to the overall structure of implantation materials and adverse reactions to the body. Wear more often occurs on the articular surface of artificial bone, and macromolecule or metal wear particles cause the dissolution of interface bone? So that the prosthesis becomes loose? It has always been one of the main reasons for the ultimate failure of bone joints.
Biomedical materials -> Basics of Biomedical Materials