Condensate of urea and formaldehyde. A light brown viscous aqueous solution with a body content of 55% -65%. Urea (urea) and formaldehyde<37% aqueous solution>heat polycondensation in acid or alkaline medium according to a certain molar ratio to obtain urea-formaldehyde resin aqueous solution, which is used to manufacture molding powder, laminated plastics, adhesive and coatings. Urea formaldehyde molding powder (also called electric jade powder) is filled with pulp or wood powder. Moulding powder is mainly used for products with low requirements for water resistance and dielectric properties, such as electrical plugs, switches, machine handles, instrument shells, knobs, daily necessities, buttons, bottle caps, and decorations. Use resin as matrix. Paper, cotton fabric or glass fabric is used as reinforcement materials to make laminated products, which are used to make veneers, etc
Organic polymer materials -> Plastics