thermo-forming is a post forming technology using thermoplastic plastics plates or sheets as raw materials. Generally, the method is to cut the plates into blanks of a certain shape and size, then heat the blanks to an elastic-plastic state at a certain temperature, and then apply pressure to bend and extend the blanks. After reaching the predetermined shape, it is cooled and shaped, and after appropriate trimming, it becomes a product. In most cases, the pressure exerted on the blank in the thermo-forming process is to form a pressure difference between two sides of the blank by vacuumizing on one side or introducing compressed air on the other side, sometimes with the help of mechanical pressure and hydraulic pressure. Mainly used to produce thin shell products, usually in simple shapes such as cups, plates, lids, refrigerators, bathtubs, etc. The thickness of plates and sheets is 1-10mm, and the plastics used include cellulose plastics, ABS, PS, PMMA, etc. According to the different product types and operation methods, there are more than ten thermo-forming methods, mainly including differential pressure forming, covering forming, plunger assisted pressure forming, retraction forming, die forming and double piece thermo-forming. The advantages of thermo-forming are low equipment investment, low molding temperature, low mold cost, easy to form large parts, short molding cycle, and easy to update products. The disadvantages are high consumption of raw materials, large residual stress, limited molding shape, low product precision and surface quality, etc.
Organic polymer materials -> Polymer processing -> Processing and forming processes