A type of neutral intrusive rock. The SiO2 content is generally between 53% and 66%. The mineral composition is mainly composed of neutral plagioclase (up to 70%), followed by amphibole, sometimes containing pyroxene or biotite, and a small amount of quartze, potassium feldspar, apatite, sphene, magnetite, etc. Rock is often gray, dark gray or grayish green. Fine grained semi idiomorphic granular structure in whole crystalline texture. According to mineral type and texture, it can be divided into hornblende, gabbro diorite, quartze diorite K rock, microcrystalline diorite and diorite porphyrite. The diorite with uniform structure and weak weathering is a high-quality building stone. The diorite body is closely related to endogenic iron and copper deposits, especially the contact zone between diorite and carbonatite, where skarn type iron and copper deposits are often formed.
Natural materials and products -> Mineral materials