A rock formed by regional metamorphism or thermal contact metamorphism mainly composed of quartze. Most of them are massive structure, schistose structure and banded structure. Such rock can be metamorphosed from different types of protoliths, such as quartz sandstone, argillaceous and calcareous quartz sandstone, colloidal silicolite (including silicolite dissolved and re deposited from terrigenous debris and silicolite related to volcanic eruptions) and radiolarian silicolite. The content of quartze is more than 90%, and mica, feldspar, epidote or magnetite appear as accessory minerals. If there is clear schistosity structure, it is called quartz schist. If the original rock is feldspar quartz sandstone, it will become feldspar quartzite (mainly quartze, and feldspar content<20%). There are a small amount of mica minerals, amphibole, pyroxene, magnetite, hematite, etc. quartzite is widely distributed and is an excellent building materials and raw material for glass manufacturing. quartze with high content, fine and uniform particles, dense and hardness can be used as advanced abrasives.
Natural materials and products -> Mineral materials