The force required to tear a thin specimen using a specified method, in N, is a term defined in a test method for determining the tear resistance of a thin film or sheet. This method is a tearing test conducted on specimens with specified cracks on a specialized testing machine. For general film materials, the longitudinal and transverse properties are often different, so it is necessary to prepare samples separately to measure the tear strength, which is affected by the shape, thickness, rolling direction (texture direction), cut depth, measurement temperature and tear speed of the sample. At present, there are many tear test methods, with or without a cut and with a cut. The shapes of the samples used are also different, including pants shape, right angle shape and crescent shape. Accordingly, there are trousers tearing strength, non cut initial tearing strength, cut initial tearing strength and cut crescent tear strength.
Organic polymer materials -> Properties of polymer materials and their testing methods