The organism reaction caused by implanted materials. This includes local and systemic reactions to the implant site. host response is the local body reaction (such as toxic effect, healing regulation, inflammatory reaction, infection and tumor formation) caused by the physical morphology, chemical structure of implanted materials and degradation products through direct contact with host tissues, or the systemic reaction (such as thrombosis, complement activation, hypersensitivity reaction, blood toxicity and teratogenicity) induced by local activation or release of human blood. Most host response belong to normal physiological reactions of the body (such as moderate immune, coagulation and verification reactions), so as to enable the host to play a defense mechanism against external threats. Excessive host response is more harmful, such as systemic toxicity, allergy, teratogenicity, carcinogenesis, hemolysis, coagulation, etc., which may lead to toxic and side effects on tissues and organism, and rejection of materials by organism; When used for special purposes, this overexcited host response may become a beneficial reaction, such as the growth of new vascular intima on the surface of artificial artery, the attachment of ligament prosthesis to soft tissue, the pores of tissue growing into porous materials, and the reconstruction of hard tissue relying on human body. The results are conducive to the growth and reconstruction of tissue. Therefore, the host response caused by a successful biomedical materials must be kept at an acceptable level
Biomedical materials -> Basics of Biomedical Materials