An isotope of hydrogen with a mass S number of 3 and a nuclide symbol 3H or T. tritium is a 3 radionuclide with a half life of 2.35 years. The average energy of 3 rays is 5.7 keV, the maximum energy is 18.6 keV, and the activity value of lmL (standard state) tritium gas is 9.5 XlO ^ Bq (2.58 Ci). In addition to these nuclear radiation properties, tritium has basically the same general physical and chemical properties as hydrogen, but because of the different atomic masses of tritium and hydrogen, they and their compounds have slight differences in physical and chemical properties. For example, the boiling point of tritium is 25.7K, while the boiling point of hydrogen is 20.3K, the thermal enthalpy of tritium (H11) is 15.15kJmol, and the thermal enthalpy of hydrogen is 26. I6kJmol. Natural tritium (T) is produced by the following nuclear reaction caused by cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere: its production is extremely low. tritium is mainly prepared by the following nuclear reaction: taking lithium aluminum, lithium magnesium alloys or lithium containing ceramics as target materials (the isotope abundance of sLi in natural lithium is 7.5%), conducting neutron irradiation in nuclear reactor, and then extracting the generated tritium gas from target materials. The extracted tritium gas also contains some hydrogen, so further isotope separation is needed to obtain tritium with nearly 100% abundance. The commonly used isotope separation methods include liquid hydrogen (tritium) distillation, thermal diffusion and chromatography separation. tritium and deuteron can carry out nuclear fusion reaction and generate a lot of energy, so tritium is used as nuclear fuel for fusion reactors and as fuel for hydrogen warheads. The nuclear reaction of tritium and deuteron generates high-energy neutrons, so it can be used as the target of neutron generator. The ray energy of tritium is very low, so it can be used as a low-energy radiation source. tritium absorption can generate bremsstrahlung in metals, so it can be used as a bremsstrahlung source. tritium can be made into tritium labeled compounds containing hydrogen compounds (especially hydrocarbons) for medical, biological and chemical research.
Organic polymer materials -> Polymer Science -> Polymer Physics