A basic intrusive rock composed almost entirely of basic plagioclase. The content of plagioclase is generally more than 90%, with a small amount of olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, biotite, etc. It is mostly white, gray, light grayish yellow, etc. Medium to coarse grained semi self shaped or heteromorphic granular structure. According to the composition of plagioclase, it can be further divided into plagioclase and plagioclase. Plagioclase often undergoes sodium zoidization, while dark minerals undergo chloritization and epidotization, forming bright light green and yellow green colors. Plagioclase often has twin, because of the different reflection and interference of twin monomer to light. The phenomenon of twinkling and color changing is formed on the surface of rock, and plagioclase with these characteristics can be used as high-quality building decoration stone. It is often associated with gabbro and closely related to the formation of ilmenite deposit. The temples in Hebei Province, China have typical outputs.
Natural materials and products -> Mineral materials