Also known as prosthesis, it is a medical device that replaces a limb, organ or tissue of the human body. The "substitution" here mainly refers to the substitution of form, or the simultaneous substitution of form and function. Only medical device that physically replace a part of the human body are called. It can also be divided into two categories: in vitro and implantable. The external body is attached or fixed on the body surface of the human body, which has physically replaced limbs or tissues, such as false teeth, artificial limbs and artificial eyes; The body is completely implanted into the human body, replacing organs or tissues, such as human joints, artificial ligaments, human bones, artificial tendons, and artificial heart valves. In some cases, or the device only partially passes through the skin or mucous membrane and remains at the crossing position for a long time, while a part remains outside the body, such as the medical device that passes through the skin and remains there for a long time is called a percutaneous device. Similarly, medical device that pass through the mucosa are called transmucosal devices.
Biomedical materials -> Basics of Biomedical Materials