A fluoro rubber. According to structure, there are two types of fluororubber: nitroso fluororubber and nitroso fluororubber nitroso fluoro-rubber is made by copolymerization of trifluoro nitroso methane with tetragaseous ethylene or adding nitroso perfluorobutyric acid through bulk or solution. When adding chain regulators such as ether during polymerization, liquid rubber can be obtained as a sealing and media resistant protective materials; Sealing gaskets, capsules, and valve sealing rings in contact with rocket fuel N2O4; The solution and liquid adhesive are used to manufacture aerospace suits, gloves, tubes, bags, etc. by spraying, soaking, burning and casting methods Carboxyl nitroso fluoro rubber, carboxyl nitroso fluoro rubber with 0.5% -20% (mole fraction) end group content, its low-temperature performance is better than fluoro rubber, and its heat resistance is better than most general rubber; Resistant to strong oxidizer, such as nitric acid, nitrogen tetroxide, and stable to general solvents; The flame resistance is particularly excellent, and it will not combustion in high-pressure oxygen (8.2MPa). The coefficient of volume resistance of the ternary adhesive, the relative dielectric constant (1MHz) 2.0, the dielectric strength 25kV/mm, and the dielectric loss factor (60Hz) 0.05.
Organic polymer materials -> Rubber