Also called magnetize. A physical phenomenon in which the magnetic moment of atoms in a substance is aligned in the direction of the external magnetic field. The result of magnetic polarization makes the material show the overall macro magnetism, forming the magnetic south pole and magnetic north pole in the materials. The magnetic polarization phenomenon of the material in the magnetic field can be compared with the electrode phenomenon of the dielectric materials in the electric field: the electrode result of the dielectric materials always tries to weaken the influence of the external electric field, but the result of magnetic polarization may strengthen (ferromagnetic, ferromagnetic, paramagnetic materials) or weaken (diamagnetic materials) the influence of the external magnetic field. The magnetic polarization ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic materials still retain some magnetism after eliminating the external magnetic field, and the magnetism induced by magnetic polarization of other materials disappears without the external field.
Fundamental of Material Science -> Physical and chemical basis of materials