The process of elasticity interaction between steel interstitial solution atoms C, N and dislocation during or after plastic deformation, which causes the property change of steel. The change in performance that occurs after deformation is called static; The simultaneous occurrence of performance changes and plastic strain is called dynamic. Three processes can be distinguished in steel: short range ordered distribution of interstitial atoms in dislocation core or distortion field, formation of Cottrell air mass (and Snoek air mass), and precipitation of supersaturated precipitation phase of interstitial atoms. Generally speaking, it refers to the static state of low-cardon steel. During the long-term storage at room temperature, the interaction between interstitial solid solution atoms and dislocation occurs, forming air masses, making the movement of dislocation difficult, leading to increased strength and hardness, decreased plasticity and toughness, and the yield point phenomenon reappears.
No classification at present.