The time from the acceptance of propellant or explosive finished products to the reduction of the content of each component of the finished products and the physical chemistry, explosion or combustion performance and other indicators related to the finished products to the lower limit of factory specifications. The test is carried out at three or more temperature points in the range of 40-100 ℃, and the constant temperature functional parameters of each component and finished product are tested quantitatively over time to determine the failure criterion of propellant or explosive, or called the "critical point" of life. For example, plastic or elasticity explosive bonded with polyisobutylene, when the molecular weight of adhesive drops to about 60000, and composite explosive lose their plasticity or elasticity, it is the critical point of life; For XTX-8003 rubber explosive and PBX-94321 plastic bonded explosives, the failure criteria are that they cannot continue to maintain stable detonation and do not meet the product delivery standards. Plot the logarithm of the time corresponding to the critical point at each test temperature with the thermodynamics temperature (T) and its reciprocal, extrapolate the two lines to the specified temperature, and calculate its available life. The calculated value is the estimated value, which is different from the actual inventory situation, but the propellant or explosive still have some reference value for estimating the life of the weapon system.
Energy Materials -> Energetic materials