materials containing (n, 2n) or (n, 3n) reactive nuclides "Some breeder materials are especially suitable for ternary ceramics compounds. The atomic density of Li is low, and the probability of tritium reaction is relatively low. It is necessary to put neutron-multiplier materials in the breeder layer to increase neutron flux and improve tritium breeder performance. The cross section ratio of Be, Pb, Bi and Zr for this nuclear reaction is high. Compounds and alloy containing these elements can be used as neutron-multiplier materials. The selection standard is that the neutron performance is good [occurrence (n, 2n)] High reaction cross section, small neutron absorption, etc.], high thermal conductivity, small thermal expansion, high specific heat, small irradiation effect, compatible with structural materials. Be has good neutron multiplication performance, low radioactivity, high thermal conductivity and specific heat [capacity, low density, toxicity, limited resources, and radiation induced swelling. Pb and Bi have good neutron properties, but their melting point is low, so they are not suitable for use with homo proliferating materials. In addition, they have poor compatibility with austenitic stainless steel. The melting point is higher than Pb, which may be used as a multiplier materials, but its performance data is lacking. The neutron properties of pure Zr and BeO are inferior to those of the above materials. The thermal physical performance of PhO is poor.
Energy Materials -> Nuclear energy materials