Sulfate minerals with simple island like structures. Strontium often replaces barium. Orthorhombic crystal system, crystal is tabular or columnar; Twin crystal is rare; Aggregates are granular, tabular, and fibrous in shape. Sometimes they appear as nodules or stalactites. Pure ones are transparent and colorless, usually appearing in white or yellow white, while those containing strontium have a light blue hue. The inner color of the stripe is transparent to semi transparent. glass luster and pearly luster cleavage surface are mainly produced in low-temperature hydrothermal deposits, coexisting with galena, zincite, cinnabar, etc. In sedimentary manganese deposits and sedimentary rock, it appears as nodules and blocks. It is the main raw mineral material for extracting barium. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, paper making, rubber, ceramics, glass, leather and other industrial fields.
Natural materials and products -> Mineral materials