A cylindrical or nearly cylindrical metal smelting equipment whose furnace body can rotate freely. The furnace is shaped like a pear with a straight mouth and a furnace shell; It is made of steel plate and lined with refractory. The equipment composition includes tilting system, oxygen supply system, feeding system, and flue gas treatment system. During smelting, molten iron or liquid metal in the furnace reacts with pure oxygen or oxygen in the air, and the generated chemical heat provides the required heat energy without external heat source. At the same time, impurities in the liquid metal are oxidized to make it become slag to float and remove. According to the material of the furnace lining, it can be divided into alkaline and acidic, air and oxygen according to the type of gas supply, and bottom blowing, top blowing, side blowing, and compound blowing according to the gas supply position. Basic oxygen top blowing and top bottom combined blowing are the main steelmaking equipment in the world at present. In smelting of non-ferrous metals, horizontal blowing of matte or low matte nickel is often used, and top blowing of oxygen is used to treat high-grade copper concentrates.
No classification at present.