Also known as pigment, it is a substance with strong color. When it contacts with other substances, it can give its color. According to its solubility and source, pigment can be divided into pigment and dye or dyestuffc: pigment: pigment are usually insoluble in water or oil, so they are used to prepare various colors of coatings, inks, painting pigment, etc. pigment can be divided into inorganic pigment and organic pigment, which have good thermal stability and dispersion. They are widely used in painting, ink, plastics products, building materials and other fields. Dye or dyestuffc: dye or dyestuffc are colorant that are soluble in water or oil and are used to dye fabrics, food, cosmetics and other objects. They can be divided into natural dye or dyestuffc and synthetic dye or dyestuffc. Dye or dyestuffc can penetrate into the interior of materials during dyeing to make them colored. In the application of dye or dyestuffc, the color fastness and light fastness of dye or dyestuffc are also key factors. In cosmetics, colorant used need to meet a series of requirements, including no irritation to skin, no toxicity, no side effects, no harmful substances, light stability and heat resistance, no odor, etc. In addition, colorant should have good compatibility, low usage, bright color, moderate price and other characteristics. Toxicity and safety are important considerations for the application of colorant, so many countries and regions have issued regulations to restrict the use of potentially harmful colorant, especially heavy metal colorant and some aromatic amine colorant.
Information materials -> Optoelectronic materials -> Dyes