It is a chemical substance used to protect materials such as polymer, coatings and printing ink from degradation and deterioration caused by ultraviolet radiation (UV). They absorb ultraviolet energy and convert it into heat energy, thus reducing or eliminating the damage of ultraviolet to materials. light stabilizer have various chemical structures, but they usually contain at least one phenyl substituent containing ortho hydroxyl, which can form a chelating ring with nitrogen or oxygen atoms, making light stabilizer sensitive to ultraviolet energy absorption within a specific wavelength range. When the light stabilizer absorbs ultraviolet light, the hydrogen bond in the molecule will fracture, the molecular structure will undergo thermal vibration, the hydrogen bond will be broken, the chelating ring will open, and the ultraviolet energy will eventually be converted into harmless heat energy, so as to prevent its damage to polymer and other materials. light stabilizer is mainly used in polymer materials, coatings, printing ink, textiles and other fields to improve weather resistance, aging resistance and light resistance. Generally, different types of light stabilizer can be flexibly selected and compounded in different application environments to provide comprehensive protection.
No classification at present.