Also known as self assembly, it is used to describe the process in which a disordered system spontaneously organizes or gathers into an ordered, stable, and regular geometric appearance structure through weak interaction between its basic structural units in order to minimize the system energy without the effect of external conditions. The process can be divided into two types: spontaneous and reversible. The phenomenon has three characteristics: ① orderliness, the self-assembly structure has higher orderliness than the individual components; ② Non covalent bond weak interaction; ③ Abundant basic structural units, such as atoms, molecules, protein molecules, nanomaterials, micron or larger scale particles, etc. Processes are common in nature, such as the cells of living organisms being composed of various biological molecules. In the research of nanomaterials, using the surfactant stabilizing layer on the surface of colloidal nanocrystals and the uniform van der Waals force and electrostatic force generated by the surface charge, technology has become an important "bottom-up" method to prepare nanostructures with different dimensions and shapes, such as superlattices, super crystal and metamaterials, which can be used to prepare special optics, electricity New functional nanomaterials with magnetic and catalytic properties. These superstructures formed by self-assembly have been widely used in electronic instrument manufacturing, biosensor, plastics molding, metal anti-corrosive layer, efficient catalytic materials, molecular device, medical biological materials and other fields.
Biomedical materials -> Basics of Biomedical Materials
Nanomaterials -> Nano technology